flowstdlib 0.34.11

The standard library of functions for 'flow' programs


See also: Code docs

flowstdlib is a standard library of functions for flow programs to use.

The directory containing this library must be part of FLOW_LIB_PATH or specified using an instance of the -L command line option, in order for the compiler to be able to find the library flow and function definitions.

It is build by using flowc with the -l option.

It can be compiled and linked natively to a run-time, or each function can be compiled to WebAssembly and loaded from file by the run-time. The directory containing the compiled WebAssembly .wasm files must be reachable by the run-time in order to load the functions at run-time.

If you are using it as part of the larger flow workspace then you just need the flow project root directory in your FLOW_LIB_PATH as described above (or added to the lib search part using the -L <dir> option).

If you download it using cargo download (or similar) and build separately, then you can get more information on how to use it running cargo run (but it amounts to use of FLOW_LIB_PATH and -L as above).

If you install it using cargo then it will build the flowstdlib binary and add it to your path, and you can run it directly using > flowstdlib and it will print the same usage hints as described above.